
Family Rooms

When a child is in hospital is it an incredibly stressful time for their family.

Sitting by your child’s bedside with them is exhausting, minutes of worry turn into hours, days, weeks and months for some families – and this can be draining for parents, carers and all the family. It is really important for a child to have their loved ones near, supporting them, letting them know what is happening and why… so we are incredibly proud to provide make-overs for family rooms in the hospitals we support.

When a child is sleeping, receiving treatment, or having an operation, parents need somewhere to go, and the more homely and welcoming this place is, the better! Often rooms in hospitals just feel like exactly that, another room in the hospital – but our aim is to provide a welcoming space for parents to get some respite – or if they are anxiously waiting for their child to get back from the operating theatre or a treatment, hopefully provide a little distraction and a place to sit and have a cuppa…

The feedback we have had from our projects so far has been fantastic – parents calling it a Godsend and a vital place for them to go to have some time when they most needed it:

“The newly renovated parent’s room is just wonderful. I had a few moments where hospital life got a bit too much and by going and sitting in there I was able to have 10 minutes to clear my head and get my emotions together.”

We hope to continue improving the family areas for the wards we help… you can see the difference these projects are making in the videos and pictures below…