We provide support for families in the community is North and West Cumbria who look after their poorly children at home. We do this by providing vital medical equipment which enables them to look after their children safely, such as suction machines for children who have a tracheostomy. We also provide portable SATs heart monitors so parents can see the levels of oxygen which their children have in their blood. This enables parents to get some sleep in the knowledge that if their child becomes unwell the machine will wake them up during the night. These machines also give very early warning signs that a child may be becoming very unwell, giving parents more time to get to hospital so their child can see a doctor.
We also provide all the equipment for 2 local ‘Special Babies’ groups. This group enables parents of vulnerable babies to take them somewhere in the knowledge that they are safe, cared for, and that they are amongst friends who understand the problems they face. The group also means that parents can relax knowing that they don’t have to explain what it means to have a baby with heart problems, or breathing issues, or to carry oxygen with your child…everyone at the group understands…
To read more about the work we do to support sick children and their families in the community head to our ‘How We Help’ page.